Every day, you receive a time budget of 1,440 minutes. As a teacher, you probably spend the majority of your strict time budget performing teaching duties. However, it’s important to prioritize self-care, too. With self-care, you can become a more patient, thoughtful, and effective teacher. With a strict time budget, you’ll need to first make time for self-care by prioritizing yourself and limiting the ways in which you’re wasting that time. When you identify time in which you can use for self-care, you’ll need to decide what activities or routines will bring you peace and how you can go about consistently doing them. Which is the final step, incorporating these things into your daily schedule. With this consistency, including and prioritizing self-care in your routine can help you be a better teacher and a more fulfilled person. Investing in yourself through these tactics can ensure that you improve your effectiveness in and out of the classroom. For more information on how to become a better teacher with the help of self-care, check out the resource embedded alongside this post.
Teacher Self-Care 101
In Love
Not Sure