This article will find the main topics about e-learning and its transformational role in companies: what it is, formats, advantages for the organizational environment, and how to adopt it in your corporate education strategies. In the last two years, digital has had unspeakable importance.
The need for technology was so great that several flows went through the digitization process. In general, human beings and technology have never been so close. And, as the years go by, it is noticeable that this trend gets even bigger.
In this last year, the term e-learning has certainly passed you by. Due to the impossibility of agglomerations, spaces such as classrooms had to be replaced by non-face-to-face options. In this context, schools, universities, and spaces for technical and free courses had to look at distance learning to survive. And the same thing happened in the work environment.
However, the big challenge was finding a format that enabled corporate learning without compromising engagement. After all, spending hours looking at computer screens during work and still dedicating yourself to studies can be demotivating if it is not thought of in a model to solve real problems, motivating and flexible.
Given this scenario, e-learning, which was already gaining fans, stood out as a great potential for companies.
What Is E-Learning?
E-learning from Allegro Media Design elearning development company for example is a learning modality offered completely virtual and at a distance, in synchronous or asynchronous formats, and can occur through content management platforms with access via
The primary strategy behind this tactic is to have the internet as a strong ally. By moving learning to the digital field, the student and the teacher have a more flexible teaching model. After all, e-learning does not depend on a fixed place or time. This article will explore the benefits of e-learning and how it can benefit the corporate environment.
The Synchronous E-Learning
The big difference between synchronous and asynchronous e-learning mainly concerns the space-time in which the class takes place. Synchronous e-learning occurs when the teacher and student are in class simultaneously. It is usually done by videoconferencing. The advantages of the synchronous medium are the practicality and engagement involved when the teacher and the student live in the same space of time. In this scenario, the teacher can ask questions that must be answered live, increasing students’ engagement with the class. And, if the student has doubts, they can solve them immediately, contributing to a more dynamic class flow. In addition, many synchronous formats allow interaction between students, not just instructors. This contributes to forming other visions and multiplying knowledge.